Let’s just say that 2020 struck again, and this is definitely not the Halloween I had planned.
Any Other Year…
Normally our neighborhood throws a party with games and activities for the kids, then we all go trick-or-treating.
My rule is anyone in a costume can collect treats from my house. There’s no age limit on fun. I always look forward to putting on a costume myself—it’s the one time each year that no one will bat an eye at a creative outfit.
But 2020?
But this year? Nope. Not taking any chances with my family’s health. My porch lights will be off, my teal pumpkin tucked away, and no candy purchased to give away. Instead, I promised the kids we would watch a Halloween movie and play some games. With Halloween bingo, a spooky memory set, and some crafts, we should stay busy.
Honestly, the pandemic has already played a trick on us, and I don’t need any more…
Well, Word Wednesday was a couple of days ago…
For your Halloween pleasure, I have a random bit of trivia I forgot to post for Word Wednesday. Let’s just pretend I followed my editorial calendar, instead of getting sidetracked by Hurricane Zeta.
Have you ever wondered where the phrase “Hocus Pocus” came from?
It’s an abbreviated form of “Hoc est enim corpus meum,” the words in the Eucharist, which literally translate to “This is my body.”
So I only watched “Hocus Pocus” ONCE back in the day, and my major takeaway then was that the actor was just so cute.

Don’t get me wrong—I liked the story, but I didn’t appreciate how good it really is. Watching it again last year, I finally got the significance of the cat, the curse, and the salvation that came from breaking it. I loved the mirror of the two sets of protective older brother and younger, much cooler sister.
And, as much silliness as the witches got up to, there was real evil intent in their plans, which makes the movie stakes so much higher even though the movie is a comedy. While I don’t plan to watch this movie with my kids quite yet, I look forward to the day when we can enjoy it together.
Even though this is not the Halloween I had planned, I look forward to some quality family time to enjoy the fun side of the holiday.
What are your Halloween plans?
Previous Halloween Posts:
Spooky Words for Halloween: Fear, Scare, and Afraid