Baby Songs

“Jiggle, jiggle
Wriggle, wriggle
Wiggle, wiggle
Tickle, tickle,
Bounce, bounce, bounce”

Baby T loves to jiggle and bounce, so I’ve been making up silly songs to quiet her. The song of the day, provided in its entirety above, seems to make her really happy. T doesn’t need complex lyrics or fancy toys so long as one of us keeps talking to her or cuddling with her. When I consider how much effort goes into each scene I write, choosing the right words, setting the right tone, moving action forward, and compare it to the smiles and alertness I got from T from an improvised silly singsong, I’m amazed by the simple joys of motherhood.

This blog has been a longtime brainchild of mine, one that I’ve been thinking about for many months as I’ve continued progress on my manuscript. Del’s story, set in a dangerous, magical world aches to be told, but I hope to share with you my rather less epic, but no less adventurous tale – the life of a storyteller, new mother, baker, engineer, and dreamer of many dreams. I hope you will join me on this journey.

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